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      There are many benefits associated with using all natural skincare products on your skin, from improving the health of your skin to contributing to a safer environment. Did you know that government regulations allow just about any ingredient to be used in the manufacturing of products that we use daily on our skin, nails and hair? Even though the FDA has a set of regulations and standards regarding these products, many harmful and toxic chemicals still manage to slip through the cracks. Some of the more harmful ingredients not found in all natural skincare products include Mercury, alcohol and ammonium laureth sulfate to name a few. The worst part? These toxins are easily absorbed into your skin but are not easily rid of, which means that they spread through the body and can cause potential damage. This is why it is important to switch to all natural skincare products in order to protect yourself from these harmful ingredients. Read Pinterest Worth Skin Care Secrets for a list of more amazing skin care secrets and tips. 

      By avoiding these harmful ingredients found in regular skincare products you will help decrease your chances of redness, irritation and breakouts, along with sever allergic reactions. In addition, you are putting fewer toxic chemicals into the environment and water, contributing to a safer and cleaner environment. Artificial fragrances in many products often tend to cause headaches and sensitivity, while parabens can alter the function of the endocrine system in your body. Check out 10 Best Natural Beauty Products for a list of more all natural skincare products, from fragrances to moisturizers that are good on your skin and the environment.

      At My Aha! Life we ensure that our ingredients are not just all natural, but also made in small batches to keep it fresh. Our chemist Mark does an incredible job every Tuesday, mixing and combining all the ingredients to come out with the smooth, delightful creams we call My Aha Life.

      We hope you enjoy our creations!

      -The Aha Team